After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, "Hallelujah! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God: -- Revelation 19:1.
We should note that Charles Taze Russell's comments related to Revelation 19 appear to place the great multitude on the earth during the time of trouble. If this is so, then the "heaven" spoken of in Revelation 19:1 is not referring to where the angels are always able to see God's face, but rather to religious elements on the earth. While we do not necessarily agree with all of Brother Russell's conclusions, here is what is found in the Expanded Comments under Revelation 19:1:
And -- This chapter is part of the message of the "seventh trump," during which the first resurrection and change of living saints occurs. R194:4.
After these things -- A view of the Great Company during the trouble, after the Bride company has been taken and the "marriage of the Lamb is come." (Verse 7) R275:6.
Babylon's fall as a result of Kingdom judgments will be discerned later by some in her who are represented as getting light and liberty through Christ after her fall. D623.
Much people -- The Great Company set free by the fall of Babylon. R5383:2.
Individuals out of Babylon which arise from among her ashes. R177:6.
If the "great multitude" in Revelation 19 is the same "great multitude" that is spoken of in Revelation 7, does this mean that the "great multitude" spoken of in Revelation 19:1 are being pictured in heaven where God's throne is, and where the angels are always able to "see" the face of God? (Psalm 11:14; Matthew 18:10) No, for the word "heaven" in the Bible does not always mean such the realm where God dwells with his angels. In 1916, Brother Russell appears to apply the "heaven" in Revelation 19:1 to the church systems of today (R5911:12). If this be so, then the "great multitude" are not being depicted as in heaven where God and the angels are. '
Indeed, the present “heaven” that now is, which relates to the authoritarian religious/ruling elements of mankind, however, is to pass away. (Matthew 5:18; 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 16:17; 21:33; Revelation 21:1; 2 Peter 3:7,12) This heaven that is to pass away is not the heaven where God's throne is, since God's dwelling place will never pass away. Thus, the heavens that passes away is evidently the sectarian religious and other ruling elements among mankind here on earth that seek to control mankind. We believe that, while this great multitude is yet among the sectarianism of Babylon the Great, they have consecrated themselves to God. In this position, many Christians today of many different denominations, nations and tribes, are now proclaiming and rejoicing in their salvation in Christ, although as yet they are still being hindered by mankind's sectarianism under the blinding influence of Satan. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9) Thus, they are still to a great degree being deceived by the sectarianism that exists all around them (Revelation 13:14); it is only after this sectarianism is destroyed in the great tribulation and Satan is abyssed, that they will be able to see beyond the deceptions of Satan (Revelation 12:9; 13:14), and then the Lamb will lead them to the waters of life, which Isaiah 25 shows will be on the earth, not in the heaven where God's throne is. -- Isaiah 25:6-8; Revelation 7:14-17; 20:1-3.
After the present heavens have passed away, there are to be a new heavens and new earth -- not that God's home dwelling place ever passes away, but the ruling elements related to mankind on earth passes away. Then there is to be a new heavens, a new ruling arrangement, without Satan's blinding influence. God will then dwell with man on earth, not by a physical means but by spiritual means, for He, through Christ and the joint-heirs -- Christ's bride -- will constitute the headship of the the new heavens that is rule over the new earth.
For links to more related regarding:
The Tribes, the 144,000 and the Great Multitude
The Tribes, the 144,000 and the Great Multitude
The Great Multitude are in God's Temple, and where is God's Temple? Heaven itself and not in some 'symbolic' heaven.
ReplyDeleteIf the "great multitude" on earth it would seem reasonable that they are not in heaven where the angels are able to see the face of God. (Matthew 18:10) After the great tribulation is over and Satan is abyssed, Jesus leads them to the waters of life, and the tears are wiped from their eyes (Revelation 7:17), which, in harmony Isaiah 25:6-8 and Revelation 21:1-5, take place, not in heaven, but on earth.
DeleteNevertheless, we would not be dogmatic about this. There is a great multitude, that is scripture; whether they end up in heaven where the angels are or if they are on earth is not directly revealed in the Bible. Therefore, it is not a matter of essential "doctrine" to know if they end up in heaven or on earth.