
We haven't written much on the apostasy. We are in general agreement with what others have written as provided in the links below, although there may be some details we disagree with.

We presented a summary of the apostasy in our study: Jesus is not Jehovah (Yahweh)

Written/Presented by Other Bible Students:

The Man of Sin (Charles Taze Russell)

The Antichrist - Watch Tower, December 1881.

The Outcome of this Age - Watch Tower, October 1, 1902.

How the Great Apostasy Will Be Overruled - Watch Tower, June 15, 1916.

Antichrist: The Counterfeit Heavens -- End Times, Fall 2005.

Can We Identify Antichrist? -- Bible Students Congregation of New Brunswick.


Written/Presented by Others Not of the Bible Students Movement

2 Thessaonians 2 - Albert Barnes Commentary

2 Thessaonians 2 - Johann Bengel Commentary

2 Thessalonians 2 - Joseph Benson Commentary

God willing, we hope to add more links later. If you know of a link that could be added, you may provide the link in the comments below. All other comments will not be allowed.

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