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Revelation 19:20-21 (New American Standard Bible) -- “And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse, and all the birds were filled with their flesh.”
Matthew 25:41,46 NASB - “Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels…” “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Revelation 7:14 (New American Standard Bible) -- “I said to him, ‘My lord, you know.’ And he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
Revelation 19:20-21 says nothing about any humans being thrown into the
lake of fire, but only "these two", that is, only the "two" systems
symbolized by the "beast" and the "false prophet" are said to be thrown
in the lake of fire. After or at the end of the "little season"/"short
time" (Revelation 20:3) which occurs *after* the 1,000 years of the
reign of Jesus and the church, Satan the Devil joins these two. --
Revelation 20:10.
is also after or at the end of that "little season"/"short while" that
those humans who fail to repent at heart during the millennial age are
additionally cast into the lake of fire, represented in Revelation
20:9,15. These are those spoken of in Matthew 25:41
To understand this more fully, it might be beneficial to examine the two general days of judgment, and the corresponding condemnation and wrath resulting from each.
first day of judgment began upon the nations more than 6,000 years ago
with the first man, Adam. Out of Adam came all nations of mankind. (Acts
17:26) Adam disobeyed God, bringing judgment upon himself and all
nations that have come into existence through him, as we read: "The
judgment was by one to condemnation, . . . therefore as by the offense
of one [Adam] the judgment was to all men to condemnation." (Romans
5:16,18) The execution of that judgment upon man began with Adam and
continues until today, resulting in misery, sickness and death for all.
(Romans 5:12) The facts today testify to the truthfulness of that
judgment day, for we see its results everywhere. Hence, it is that as a
race we are a groaning creation, travailing in pain, going down to
sheol, the realm of death. (Romans 8:20-23; Ecclesiastes 9:10) Our only
hope of recovery from that original sentence rests in Christ. The
scriptures assure us that Jesus Christ by the grace [undeserved favor]
of God tasted death for every man. (Hebrews 2:9) All are thus "bought
with a price." Therefore the world of mankind may hope for a full
release from the death sentence in God's due time.
before we are even born, we are already under a judgment. We receive
the execution of this judgment when we die. Thus God at various times
has carried out this execution against many nations and peoples who
would seek to thwart his purposes. "The nations have sunk down in the
pit which they made [through Adam's sin]. There own foot catches in the
net which they hid. Jehovah is known by the judgment he executes. The
work of his own hands ensnare the wicked one." (Psalm 9:16) The word
translated "judgment" here is the Hebrew word often transliterated as mishpât, which Strong
gives the meaning of "verdict" as well as "justice." The verdict, of
course, was given in the Garden of Eden: death. The executing of that
verdict meant, therefore, the death of the person or persons receiving
its execution.
that express the condition brought by this original sentence or
judgment of death are the "wrath" and "anger" of Jehovah. "For God's
wrath is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of mankind who extinguish the truth by unrighteousness;
because what may be known of God has been made manifest all about them,
for God has made these apparent to them. For from the creation of the
world the unseen things about him can be understood by looking upon the
things made, both his eternal power and divine being, so they are
without excuse. Because having known God [in Adam before he sinned] they
did not glorify him as God, nor were they thankful. They became futile
in their reasonings, and their heart's discernment was darkened.
Claiming themselves wise, they became foolish [The serpent led Eve to
believe that she would become wise as a result of disobeying God. Adam
also evidently felt himself wiser than God by listening the voice of his
wife.] and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness
of an image of corruptible man, birds, four-footed animals, and
reptiles. [Adam, in obeying his wife, allowed his wife to become his
god. Mankind has been bringing the glory of God down to corruptible
matter ever since.] Therefore God also gave them up to the craving of
their hearts, their bodies being dishonored among themselves, [Adam and
Eve felt no shame concerning their bodies until they sinned. Adam did
not develop a spiritual desire to serve God. He did not learn to walk by
the spirit. He walked after the flesh, desiring his wife more than
God.] in that they changed the truth of God into a lie, and venerated
and served the created rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
Amen." -- Romans 1:18-23.
we come to the scriptures that speak of the day of Jehovah's wrath, when
his wrath upon mankind is being brought to an end. (Revelation 6:17)
The day of his wrath is spoken of as coming in the blowing of the
seventh trumpet and consisting of seven "vials" or "bowls." (Revelation
11:15; 15:7) The last bowl results in the destruction of Babylon the
Great, a woman representing the false religious promises of Satan as
begun in the Garden of Eden and extended all over the world. (Genesis
3:4,5; Revelation 12:9; 16:19) The destruction of those individuals who
make up Satan's seed, those under God's wrath is also depicted as taking
place as part of the last vial. (Revelation 19:17-19, 21) The execution
upon those under God's wrath is still, however, an execution of the
original sentence given in the garden of Eden -- death. The various
systems of Satan receive a different sentence. Under the symbolism of a
beast and false prophet, these systems are spoken of as being thrown
into the "lake of fire and brimstone," referring to the lake of fire and
brimstone outside the walls of Jerusalem in the Valley of Hinnom, or
Gehenna. (Revelation 19:20) According to historical references to this
valley in Jesus' day, fires were continuously kept burning in this
valley by the addition of brimstone (sulphur), so that Jesus spoke of
the "fire that does not die out," or as the King James Version says,
"not quenched." (Mark 9:43-48) Now we know that the fires in the valley
of Jerusalem no longer exist, so we must look upon to these Bible
references as symbolic. So what does the lake of fire symbolize? Jesus
spoke of those things thrown into as "destroyed." (Matthew 10:28) Thus
Revelation 19:20 is referring to the destruction of Satan's systems that
are symbolically spoken of the false prophet and a certain beast. These
systems, as such, were produced out of the sea and earth of sinful
mankind under the condemnation of death through Adam. (Revelation
13:2,11) However, these systems are eternally destroyed. Why? These
systems are efforts of mankind (and demons) to bring mankind away from
Adam's condemnation. Therefore, as such, they are viewed by mankind as
not under that condemnation in Adam. Thus they are worshiped by men.
(Revelation 13:4,12) Consequently they could be looked upon as
symbolically "alive," only to end up in eternal death as a result
notice that the individuals associated with these systems are not
spoken of as going into the second death. Most of these have never been released
from Adamic death, and therefore cannot be given the execution of
second death. Even if any of these have been justified, they evidently still have not understood the accurate knowledge spoken of in Hebrews 10:26. Nevertheless, the destruction that comes upon the nations is the
execution of the original sentence given in the garden of Eden, and is
the destruction spoken of as the broad road to destruction which all
nations have been traveling since Adam's disobedience. (Romans 3:11-15;
Matthew 7:18) As Jehovah turns the nations to destruction, he also says:
"Return, you children of men!" (Psalm 90:3) Therefore the judgment
remains the same as Jesus said: "If any man hears my words, does not
believe, I do not judge him; for I have not come to judge the world, but
to save the world. He who rejects me, and does not receive my words,
has one that will judge him. The word that I have spoken, the same will
judge him in the last day." (John 13:47,48) "He who disobeys the Son
will not see life, but the wrath of God [through Adam] remains upon
him." -- John 3:36.
therefore tells us that the individual judgment of all those who do not
now believe will be in the "last day," being that the wrath of God (as a
result of Adam's sin) remains upon them. Since the wrath of God remains
upon them they, as individuals, will receive the execution of that
wrath in the "war of the Great Day of God the Almighty" at Armageddon.
The execution to be finalized at that time, however, is a result of the
collective judgment that began in the Garden of Eden. Thus when Jesus
spoke of that coming destruction he said: "At that time two will be out
in the field; one will be taken away, and one will be left. -- Two will
be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left."
(Matthew 24:40,41) Those left we understand to be those spoken of in
Psalm 107:20, who call upon Jehovah through Jesus especially during the
great tribulation, washing their sin-ladened robes in the blood of lamb.
(Revelation 7:14) These evidently do not have the full understanding of truth as they will need to guided to the waters (truths) of life. (Revelation 7:17) Those taken, like the antediluvians outside of God's
favor, are taken in death, as a result of God's wrath which remains upon
them. They are not taken in the second death. (See verse 39; see also
Isaiah 24:6; Romans 5:9; Ephesians 2:3; 5:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2:16;
5:9; John 3:36) It is quite possible then, that there will not be any
who have not washed their robes in the blood of the lamb will be left
alive at that time, not even of natural Israel. -- Revelation 7:14.
go back a little to when Jesus first returns. One of the first things
he does is to complete the sealing of his bride, the 144,000 who are not
only heirs of God, but joint-heirs with Christ. Throughout the Gospel Age, these few have been sealed out of
the tribes of Israel, but at the end of the age, this sealing work is completed. Before one can become one of the 144,000, one has to first be counted as a member of one of the figurative tribes of Israel. All members of these tribes are made such by faith. Apparently, however, these sealed out of the twelve tribes are joined
with Christ in symbolic marriage, although some believe that all twelve tribes along with the great multitude are included in the bride of Christ. (Revelation 7:1-8; 19:7,8; Matthew
24:31) After obtaining his symbolic bride and returning from the symbolic wedding, others
join with them in the symbolic marriage supper. If the great multitude is not included in the bride, it would seem that they may be included with the bridesmaids. (Revelation 19:9; Luke 12:35-40;
Matthew 25:1-12; Revelation 7:9-17) These I believe to be the class
spoken of in Psalm 107:20 and Revelation 7:9-17. While the world is
thrown into the fiery furnace of the tribulation, the last elect group
of true servants of God are separated from the world by God's angels
into God's symbolic barn. (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43) Many scriptures
indicate that only God's righteous ones, justified by faith in Jesus,
will be left as God's kingdom fills the whole earth after it has
destroyed all the unrighteous kingdoms of the world. (Daniel 2:44) It is
during the time of trouble that the nations are gathered, not for
their final judgment as individuals, but for the execution of judgment
as had begun upon them through Adam. "For my decision is to gather
nations to assemble kingdoms, to pour out upon them my indignation, all
the heat of my anger; for in the fire of my jealous wrath all the earth
shall be consumed." (Zephaniah 3:8, Revised Standard Version) This
execution of judgment, however, not being final judgment, is rather the
consummation of the judgment through Adam. The unbelieving world still
has to face the final judgment in the "last day".
"last day" is spoken of as the day when the believing dead return.
(John 6:39-54) Jesus also said that unbelievers would be judged in the
"last day." (John 12:47,48) Therefore the "last day" is the day of the
world's resurrection and regeneration, and the "day of judgment". It is
in that same "last day", however, that the judgment is given to the
saints , so that they may be judges with Christ in judging the
unbelieving world. (Daniel 7:22; Matthew 19:28; 1 Corinthians 6:2;
Revelation 20:4), This great judgment day will be the second great
judgment day for mankind. Thus we read: "He has appointed a day in which
he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has
ordained; of this he has given a guarantee unto all men, in that he has
raised him from the dead." -- Acts 17:31.
should we think of this day as a 24-hour day, but as a day on a larger
scale. Peter tells us: "Brothers, do not be ignorant of this one thing,
that a day with Jehovah is as a thousand years." -- 2 Peter 3:8.
world has already completed its first trial, failed and received a
condemnation. The trial took place in Eden: Adam our first father, was
the representative of himself and his race in the trial. He failed, and
was sentenced to death, and the whole world, his posterity, are still
resting under the incubus of his sentence: "Dying, you must die." -- you
are unworthy of eternal life which was offered to you in the beginning
-- your disobedience has proven you unworthy. As we look about us we see
that none of the race has improved and reached perfection -- rather. on
the contrary, the course of the race in general has been downward, and
the scriptural assurance is: "There is none righteous, no not one." --
Romans 3:10.
then the whole world is already condemned to death -- if all were born
in sin and thus from birth have been under the sentence of death, what
kind of a judgment further would they need? What more condemnation could
they receive from Jehovah than that already against them? Surely we are
not to suppose that God doubts the wisdom of his own decision, which the
Scriptures express so forcefully, and that He will try matters again to
see whether or not any mistake was made in His original decision. The
Supreme Court of the Universe is infallible; its decision beyond repeal;
its sentence is "The wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23) For
thousands of years this penalty has been inflicted. There could be no
hope of a change upon the part of the great Judge. We see, then, that
any thought of a repetition of the original trial and sentence is
inconsistent, and hence the day of judgment spoken of in Acts 17:31 must
refer to a new trial.
on what grounds could the great Supreme Judge of the Universe grant a
new trial to Adam and his family? Since Jehovah, being true to His Word,
could not rescind His own just sentence, the only consideration upon
which a new trial could be granted would be that the penalty of the
original trial should first be met and canceled. And this is exactly
what did take place: "By one man's disobedience sin entered the world,
and death as a result of sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all
have sinned." -- have inherited the sin, are made sinners. (Romans
5:12-19) But now the Messiah has died for the ungodly -- has redeemed
Adam, and incidentally, all of his posterity involved in his
transgression. Hence the Scriptures assure us that God can be just and
yet be the justifier of him that believes in Jesus. (Romans 3:26) That
condemnation through Adam would have meant eternal death for Adam and
his race had it not been for the provision of the sacrifice of Jesus.
notice that the apostle (in Acts 17:31) refers right back to our Lord's
great transaction, his great redemptive work and how that, after he had
died for our sins, God raised him from the dead. The apostle further
declares that in so doing, God gave us an assurance of his intention to
grant another trial to the race of Adam and that this Jesus who died for
Adam and his race is, by divine appointment, the Judge and Mediator
through whom all the condemned ones, if they will, may return to the
full perfection of harmony with their Creator, and the eternal life
which he is pleased to give to all those who are obedient to his laws.
first judgment was that of one man, the effects of which extended to
all of his posterity, all those lost, all who were condemned, all who
went into death. The divine standard can never alter; a sinner can never
have eternal life, either in heaven or elsewhere. Eternal life is a
gift of God, and he will give it to none who are in sinful condition.
The divine proposition is, to give to Adam and every member of his race
an individual opportunity for returning to harmony with God, and thus to
a recovery to all that was lost through the original fall -- with added
blessings in the case of the faithful followers of Jesus in the present
age. This is the Good News! -- that there is a hope of eternal life
through Christ, not just for those who believe in this age, but also for
those who believe in that day, the last day, the age to come. Several
thousand years had elapsed before our Redeemer was born upon the earth,
yet in all that time none of Adam's race had escaped from death, except
as reckoned alive by faith; only a few had any knowledge of the divine
intention to provide a Savior and Redeemer and ultimately to roll away
the curse and bring in blessings through Him.
few faithful of old were of the Abrahamic line, the Israelite line. But
even to them no promise of eternal life was given, though it was
indirectly hinted at, and they were told to hope for it through the
Messiah promised. Nevertheless, based on the promise of the sacrifice of
Jesus, many in Old Testaments times were counted as alive before God
through faith. Nevertheless, the Scriptures declare that Jesus brought
life and incorruption to light through the Good News -- its full meaning
was not brought to light before amongst mankind, since no human had
lived a sinless life. (2 Timothy 1:10) At his birth the angels declared
that they were messengers of Good News, which would have its fulfillment
through the newborn babe, saying: "We bring you good tidings of great
joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in
the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." -- Luke 2:10,11.
apostle declares that these good tidings for our race are the tidings
of salvation -- not salvation from the lake of fire, but salvation from
sin through Adam and its death penalty. This salvation consists of two
things: -1- The sinner must be imputed as righteous, no longer a sinner,
and begotten again to newness of life; -2- the sinner must be raised up
out of the present death conditions -- brought back to full perfection
of life as it was enjoyed before the sentence or curse came upon all
mankind. There is also one more aspect of this salvation, that is, the
developing of faith and love to an extent that death will be completely
swallowed up in victory. This would also correspond to the prospect set
before Adam. Unless Adam developed his love and faith in his Creator to
such perfection that it would be unthinkable that he disobey, there
would always have been the threat of death. So that this threat of death
would be taken away, it would have been necessary for Adam to have
proven his faith and love to such an extent that there would no longer
be a shadow of doubt that he would thus continue to obey. Only by such
could it have been true that there would no longer be any threat of
death. This is what Paul refers to as the putting on of incorruption. (1
Corinthians 15:54) Once one has proven this character to be
incorruptible, then it can be said: "Death is swallowed up in victory."
(See Isaiah 25:8 ) This is salvation in the broadest meaning of the
term, and the apostle declares, which salvation began to be spoken by
our Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that there was no offer of
salvation, no basis upon which it could be offered, until Christ, as our
Redeemer, our Savior, brought life and incorruption to light. Thus,
nothing that he said and nothing that the apostles said warrant us in
believing that this salvation will allow life eternal to be retained by
any except those who prove themselves fully willing and obedient. The
offer of life eternal, indeed, we are assured, is to Adam and every
member of his race, but it will be for each one of them to accept or
reject its terms. The good tidings of joy will be to all people, but it
will mean eternal incorruptible life only to those who prove their love
and obedience to him -- those who obey the great Redeemer (who is also
the Teacher, the King and the Judge) will, after the final judgment,
depart into eternal life, while those who prove themselves incorrigible
will depart into eternal punishment. -- Matthew 25:46.
the salvation in general is applied in the next age, not this age. Those justified in this age are an exception. Those of this age can only participate in this salvation by faith,
reaching forward in time to the age to come, and tasting of the powers
of that age. (Hebrews 6:5) Those who do so do receive the possibility of
access to special privileges in this age, if they avail themselves of
those privileges. Most, however, who put faith in Jesus, never exercise
that privilege to any great extent, and thus remain as "babes in
Christ." -- 1 Corinthians 3:1.
is not difficult to prove from the facts as well as from the Scriptures
that Jehovah has a favored people who are in the world at the present
time -- that, as during the Jewish Age, the seed of Abraham according to
the flesh were Jehovah's favored people, and as the apostle declared, a
`Jew had much advantage in every way, mainly in that to them were
committed the oracles of God.' (Romans 3:2) So during the Christian era,
there is still a selection according to God's favor, as the apostle
points out -- only a certain class of the world is being dealt with. The
great mass of mankind are not being favored with the necessary
information and opportunity to come into harmony with Jehovah at the
present time. We know that some, ignorant of the Scriptures and
short-sighted in their view of the conditions of the world, may dispute
this, but it will stand examination from both standpoints.
how frequently our Lord declares that only some have the ear to hear.
(Matthew 7:14; 13:9,13-18,43; Mark 4:9,12,23; 7:16; Luke 8:8; 14:35;
John 10:3,16) This means that only those are called. And he assures us
that even amongst the called only a comparatively few will be chosen to
be of the joint-heirs with Christ, the bride of the Lamb. (Matthew
22:1-14; Romans 8:17) The prophet Isaiah holds forth a similar thought,
assuring us of a future time coming, when the wilderness will blossom as
a rose, namely, the Millennial Age, when all the blind eyes will be
opened and all the deaf ears will be unstopped. (Isaiah 35:5) He thus
implies that at the present time many eyes are closed and many ears are
stopped, so that the majority of mankind now do not see and do not hear,
do not appreciate, the things which God has revealed to a special class
only "the called according to his purpose." -- 2 Timothy 1:9; Isaiah
apostle Paul also refers to the matter in the same way, only more
explicitly, telling us that "the god of this world has blinded the minds
of them that do not believe, lest the light of the glorious good news
of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine upon them." (2
Corinthians 4:4) This implies that generally the whole world was in
blindness, but that by God's grace his message through Jesus and his
disciples comes as an eye-salve to some, but not to all. The vast
majority, blinded by the adversary, by false octrines, selfishness,
weakness, depravity, superstition, etc., are utterly blind and ignorant
respecting the true qualities of God and of his Son, and the plan for
his vindication through the salvation being worked out on their behalf.
As the apostle declares: "The world does not know us, even as it did not
know him." (1 John 3:1) It is the adversary who has brought this
blindness of heart upon mankind, which hinders their knowing, loving and
appreciating God's love and offer of salvation.
question needs to be answered: Why should God provide a great feast of
fat things through the sacrifice of his Son, and yet not make provision
that all of the unenlightened human family of Adam should understand it?
The very thought seems incongruous. He who loved the whole world so as
to give his only begotten Son as their redemption price surely should
love them all to such an extent that he would give them all the proper
knowledge of that Son -- the knowledge necessary to their appreciation
of him, and of his work, and of their privilege of return to harmony
with their Creator and to everlasting life. We search the scriptures to
ascertain the secret of this peculiarity, and are there informed that
Jehovah is now calling a peculiar people, a cream class as it were, from
the world of mankind into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9,10) From
amongst these called ones, God first chooses a bride for his Son who
become joint-heirs with him; and secondarily others are become the
bridesmaids, princesses, princes in all the earth, etc. -- Matthew
25:1-13; Psalm 45:14-15.
at Acts 17:31 again, we see that it refers to the entire matter of the
world's judgment as future from the apostle's day. It is still future
from our day, though very near at hand. Thus we should expect that the
great Sun of Righteousness will soon be disclosed to the world, and the
shadows of the dark night of sin and superstition and ignorance will
begin to flee away. We can no longer wonder that Jehovah, through the
prophets, spoke so joyfully of this coming judgment of the world as a
great blessing, saying: "Let the heavens rejoice, and the earth be glad!
Let the sea roar and the fullness thereof! Let the field be joyful and
all that is therein! Then all the trees of the woods will rejoice before
Jehovah! For He is coming, for he is coming to judge the earth! He will
judge the world with righteousness and the people with His truth!" --
Psalm 95:10-13.
gathering of the nations for individual judgment takes place by
restoring them to life so that they may be judged, not by their past
works, but by their works as related to the books that will then be
opened. (Revelation 20:11-13). This gathering of the heathen peoples to
be judged as individuals (not in Adam) is not the gathering of nations
that takes place at Armageddon for the executing of God's judgment as
begun upon man through Adam. "`Therefore wait for me,' says Jehovah,
`until the day I rise up for plunder, my determination is to gather the
nations, to my assembly of kingdoms, to pour on them my indignation, all
my fierce anger. All the earth will be devoured with the fire of my
jealousy." (Zephaniah 3:8 ) This is just before or at the beginning of
the 1,000-year reign of Jesus, when God executes judgment upon all the
ungodly. This same period is when the day of Jehovah comes as a thief
upon the world. The execution of judgment at that time is to convince
the ungodly of their sins, thus indicating that their destruction is not
eternal but rather for the purpose of disciplining, so that they might
come to know Jehovah. (Jude 1:15; 2 Peter 3:7,10; Psalm 83:18) It is
during this transition period that Satan's world is destroyed. It is not
until after the destruction of this present evil world that Jehovah
`turns to the peoples a pure language.' (Zephaniah 3:9) We have to admit
that the peoples of the world are still being blinded by Satan. (2
Corinthians 4:4) Indeed, blindness is more prevalent today than when
Jesus was here. It is not until after Satan is bound and the veil of
blindness is removed that it can truly be said that the nations have
received a pure language. (Isaiah 25:6-7; Revelation 20:3) And the
method of gathering the nations at that time will be through the
awakening of the dead, in the day when many will be turned to
righteousness. -- Revelation 20:11-13; Daniel 12:2,3.
thus we have the proper setting for the judgment of the sheep and the goats. The "sheep" of the parable are not the sheep of the present age,
whom the Master knows and who know the Master. (John 10:14) Rather these
sheep of that judgment day are the "other sheep" who are not of the
same pastorage that recognize the Master in the present age. They are
brought forth out of death in the age to come. These become the sheep of
the next age. These do not inherit a place in the ruling house of God,
but do inherit the kingdom prepared from the founding of the world, the
kingdom that was prepared for Adam and which he lost. (Matthew 25:34;
Genesis 1:28; Psalm 8:3-8; Hebrews 2:6-8 ) These inherit these promises,
not after Armageddon, but after the final eternal destruction of the
wicked which takes place after the thousand-year reign of Christ, that
day which God has appointed "in which he will judge the world in
righteousness." It is only then that one will no longer be able to find a
wicked person. -- Revelation 20:7-9; Psalm 37:9-11; Acts 17:31.
very interesting thank you