Revelation 12:1 - A great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. -- World English.
By comparing spiritual revealing with spiritual revealing, we conclude that the woman of Revelation 12:1 basically represents the promise, the covenant, which was to produce the seed of Abraham (also referred to as the seed of David). This is the same woman that had been barren for a long time as spoken of in Isaiah 54, and which Paul wrote about in Galatians 4 as being represented by Sarah. That sign "was seen" (Isaiah 7:14) in the symbolic ecclesiastical heavens in the first century, with Abraham's seed of faith being brought forth. -- Genesis 3:15; Romans 4:13,16; Galatians 3:6-18; 4:23,24.
Jesus, himself, however, was not of the crooked and perverse seed of Adam (Ecclesiastes 1:2,13-17; 7:13; Romans 1:24-32; 3:9; 5:12-19; 8:19-22; 2 Peter 1:4). Not only was Jesus the promised seed of Abraham, he was -- while in the days of his flesh -- additionally a human "Son of God" as was Adam before Adam sinned. (Luke 3:38) Jesus was begotten of the holy spirit -- not as a spirit being, but as a human being -- in the womb of Mary (Matthew 1:20), and his body was prepared by God. (Hebrews 10:5) Thus, he was not born "under the sun" of vanity, with its present futility (Ecclesiastes 1:2,14,15; Romans 8:20); Jesus was indeed a new creation, and became a new sun, a "sun of righteousness." -- Malachi 4:2.
Nevertheless, to pay the price for sin, Jesus suffered in the likeness of sinful flesh (Romans 8:3; Hebrews 2:17,18; 9:26; 1 Peter 3:18) as though he were under that bondage of corruption.
Furthermore, the seed of the woman is not just Jesus, for it includes those who, by application of the blood of the new covenant before the age to come, are allowed to come into the covenant God made with Jesus through Abraham. -- Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Galatians 3:16,29; Hebrews 6:5; 10:14,29; 12:24.
Nor can the woman represent the church, since the members of the church are included in the seed of the woman. -- Revelation 12:17.
The woman is evidently the same "woman" spoken of in Isaiah 54:1. This "woman" is identified by Paul in Galatians 4:21-31 as the covenant represented by Sarah. This is the same covenant that was confirmed by God 430 years before the Law Covenant had been given. The Law Covenant, represented by Hagar, produced many children while the Abrahamic covenant, represented by Sarah, remained barren.
Galatians 4:25 reveals that Hagar corresponds to the Jerusalem that then existed, who was in bondage with her children. Galatians 4:26 speaks of another Jerusalem, which would correspond with Sarah, representing the Abrahamic covenant that came 430 years before the Law Covenant, and is thus above the Law Covenant. This Jerusalem -- the Abrahamic Covenant -- is the mother of those who belong to Christ.
It is for the revealing of this seed of the woman that the nations -- the heathen -- the whole creation now groaning in travail and pain (Romans 8:22), is waiting for, since when the seed is revealed all nations will then be blessed, so that the whole groaning creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. -- Genesis 22:18; Isaiah 2:2-4; Romans 8:19-22.
It is for the revealing of this seed of the woman that the nations -- the heathen -- the whole creation now groaning in travail and pain (Romans 8:22), is waiting for, since when the seed is revealed all nations will then be blessed, so that the whole groaning creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God. -- Genesis 22:18; Isaiah 2:2-4; Romans 8:19-22.
The covenant for a seed was extended to Abraham, and also to David. We believe that all three of the covenants are treated as one as represented in the woman.
This woman has under her feet the sun and the moon, and there are twelve stars on her head. The sun, we believe, depicts the millennial age when the sun of righteousness will shine forth, and when the saints of this age will be revealed and thus shine forth as the sun. (*** add scriptures) Correspondingly, the moon would represent the present age of darkness, which has been upon mankind ever since Adam disobeyed. (*** scriptures to be added) During this age, however, the promised seed has been preached, and Jesus' life provided light for the world, although the darkness of the world did not recognize that light. -- Scriptures to be added.
This woman has under her feet the sun and the moon, and there are twelve stars on her head. The sun, we believe, depicts the millennial age when the sun of righteousness will shine forth, and when the saints of this age will be revealed and thus shine forth as the sun. (*** add scriptures) Correspondingly, the moon would represent the present age of darkness, which has been upon mankind ever since Adam disobeyed. (*** scriptures to be added) During this age, however, the promised seed has been preached, and Jesus' life provided light for the world, although the darkness of the world did not recognize that light. -- Scriptures to be added.
The twelve stars are often thought to refer to either the 12 tribes of Israel, or the 12 apostles. (more to be added)
We hope eventually provide a study of the entire chapter 12 of Revelation. In the meantime, one might study the Southern Wisconsin Bible Students' Notes on Revelation for chapter 12. The conclusions they provide are the closest we have found to our own conclusions. However, there may be some minor points that we might see differently.
Ronald R. Day, Sr.
Revelation 12:2 - She was with child. She cried out, laboring and in pain, giving birth. -- World English.
We hope eventually provide a study of the entire chapter 12 of Revelation. In the meantime, one might study the Southern Wisconsin Bible Students' Notes on Revelation for chapter 12. The conclusions they provide are the closest we have found to our own conclusions. However, there may be some minor points that we might see differently.
Ronald R. Day, Sr.
Last edited: 5/4/2024
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